Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 58: Children´s Revolution (week 27 of pregnancy)

This week I started planning for our new project for Revolution looks like in a few months we might finally be working with children!! I am working on the planning for a year, and I already finished several months worth. The program is an after school program for public school kids that would meet once a week. Each week there will be a Bible lesson, a snack, a craft, a game and a song (all of which I am planning for each month!! It´s a lot of work!). We are currently looking into working in school in the outskirts of Quito, which is where many poor families attend small, poorly-funded schools. These kids usually have to walk home from school each day and stay alone in an empty house all afternoon until their parents get home from work. We want to help give these kids the love and attention that they can´t get at home, and help them understand the Father´s love for them. Our goal is to have everything in place by the beginning of the next school year, at the end of August. It´s not as far away as it seems!

I feel good about being so productive this week. I just decided that I might as well use the quiet time to its full potential while I can, as I understand that once this baby arrives I will have considerably less quiet time to take advantage of! I really like planning and developing lessons and curriculum, so in some way the time off is a blessing so that I can help get things ready for the next step of the ministry. Plus I don´t feel as useless!

Please pray for this project, because we have wanted to work with kids for a long time, and we are really excited! God is opening doors and showing us new and exciting ways we can serve Him, and all of these things need lots of prayer in order to go from dream to reality! If God wants to do it, He will make a way!

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