Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 37: The joys of pregnancy (week 6 of pregnancy)

Well, now that I am into the first trimester, I´m beginning to experience those lovely early pregnancy symptoms...especially nausea and exhaustion. I did not know it was possible to feel this tired! It´s crazy...I have to take several naps just to get through a day. Before I was pregnant I could not have napped if I wanted to. I was just not able to sleep during the day. Now I am not able to stay awake!!

Still, that´s not too bad. Sleeping is actually pretty nice. But the nausea, now that is something I could really do without. I am pretty accustomed to being sick, but this is just terrible. I feel terrible all the time. And have you heard that pregnant women are especially sensitive to smells and some smells can make them throw up? Well, I cannot stand the smell of rice! And in case you didn´t know, in Ecuador, all they eat is rice! At every meal! I can´t even cook rice.

I just hope I´m one of the lucky ones whose nausea eases up after the first trimester! God, give me strength!! It will all be worth it in May when the baby is born!

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny, Emily had trouble with rice too! My first few weeks I was in Ecuador and before I was for sure I was pregnant and rice made me nauseous too! WEIRD!
