Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 49: New Years (week 18 of pregnancy)

We decided to spend New Year´s in Puyo with Jairo´s family. We had a nice visit, and really it was nice to get away and relax a little after a very busy December.

There is never really that much to report about visits to Puyo because life moves so slowly down there, and we never do much of anything except hanging out. It´s a welcome change from the faster-paced life we live in Quito.

One thing that Jairo did while we were there is build some shelves, a cabinet and a TV stand for the apartment. His dad has a workshop there in their house, so he used his dad´s tools and drew up some simple designs and went to work. It was fun to watch him because he´s very artistic, and these kinds of things are easy for him. My dad always made furniture for our house, so I feel like in some way Jairo making furniture is only fitting, since in my mind that is just something a husband does! It all turned out really nice, and we brought the pieces back to Quito to stain and put together.

Aside from that, the only real development is that I officially have a ¨baby bump¨. It´s not something anyone would notice who doesn´t know me, of course, but it´s funny to see this little bump where my stomach used to be flat. I always think of pregnant bellies as those big round ones, but right now the ¨bump¨ only reaches as far as my belly button, which is pretty weird to look at! I can´t imagine what it will be like to have a big, round belly, but to be honest I would like to start showing more, just so I will look more pregnant than fat! I´m sure I´ll feel differently once I actually have the big belly, but for now I am looking forward to it. Soon enough the baby will arrive, but it still seems so far away! I guess that could be a good thing, though, because we have a lot of preparing to do before the big day.

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