Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 42: It´s not official until it´s facebook official...(week 11 of pregnancy)

So technically my first trimester is not over yet, but I couldn´t wait any longer. I had to tell people about the pregnancy. It is just to hard not to share it with my friends, especially since I have quite a few friends who are due around the same time as I am!

Another one of my pregnant friends was the first to notice the news, just minutes after I posted it. Then followed tons of comments ranging from shock to congratulations, and I felt excited!! This is what I had been waiting for! Sharing the news with my friends so they can share in my happiness and excitement!

Even though I´m in Ecuador, I try to stay connected with my friends back home. It´s hard because our lives move in such different directions and in many ways we´ve become very different. But I think a real friendship has nothing to do with any of that. You can have a real friend who you see once a year (or less!), who lives a life completely opposite yours, and maybe has very little in common with you, but the important thing is that you love each other! As long as you have that, your friendship can overcome any other difficulties that present themselves.

So, to all my friends, I just want to say thank you for your friendship, I love you all very much, and no matter the distance or differences between us, you can count on me!

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