Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 50: A special visitor (week 19 of pregnancy)

This week my dad got here! My mom was going to come too, but had some health problems and was not cleared to fly. I was sad she didn´t get to come, but I was still super excited to get to see my dad after almost a whole year!

He came with a few huge suitcases, none of which had any of his stuff in them. They were full of gifts for us, clothes for me, baby stuff, food, etc. It was a lot of fun opening up the suitcases, especially since there was way more stuff than I ever expected. I was especially excited about the maternity clothes, since I was just starting to freak out now that my clothes are getting tight! He brought some wrapped gifts too, to be opened in a few days when we can Skype my mom so she can see us open the gifts. Still, even with all the gifts, the best part was definitely getting to see my dad again, and it was a cool feeling to be able to have him in my home, since before I had never had my own home! Now that we are established as a couple, with our ruitines and our own habits, it was nice to have my dad be a part of that.

The pastor had invited my dad to preach the second Sunday that he is here, but apparently got confused about the dates and had actually booked my dad for the first Sunday he was here, just the morning after he got in. We didn´t know this until we arrived at church, about 10 minutes before the service. The pastor, being Ecuadorian, didn´t see why it should be a big deal that my dad had not had time to prepare anything and basically insisted on my dad preaching on the fly. My dad took a few minutes, got together a message, and preached with me translating. 5 people got saved after the message! It was amazing to see God use him in that way, in the moment when he probably felt the least prepared and useful. I think he will probably think twice about accepting a preaching invitation from my pastor again, though!

My dad also decided to take us out to eat to Papa John´s, and I had not eaten there in years, so it was absolutely delicious!! My dad, who doesn´t normally eat Papa John´s in the US, was pretty impressed with their pizza and announced after dinner that we would definitely be returning there to eat again before he goes home. There were no objections! It was a first for Jairo, who also really liked it.

Besides that, we have been hanging out, talking and watching movies, and it has been a lot of fun. My dad is pretty laid back and easy to please, so we don´t have to do a whole lot to have fun together, which is nice. He and Jairo seem to get a kick out of each other despite the language barrier, and it´s cool to see them relating to each other. I´m really glad my dad is here, and I´m trying to convince him to stay a little longer!!

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