Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 38: Partial Bedrest (week 7 of pregnancy)

I have been having some cramping, probably normal stretching of the uterus and all that, but the doctor has ordered me to partial bedrest for now. I can still do things around the house, but not very much, and I can´t really go anywhere. I´m pretty disappointed because I didn´t get to go to the vigilia at church and I don´t get to help out with the ministry. I am helping with the things I can do at home, but I really miss being a part of everything. I also feel like I´m really not doing a very good job of supporting by husband, but he assures me that the best way I can help him is to take care of myself and the baby. Still, I´m not liking this bedrest thing too much. Hopefully it will not last too long! Until then, maybe I will take advantage of the time to myself and catch up on my reading!


  1. I'm a little! Was this post current-your 38 weeks pregnant? Do explain for the simple minded such as myself :)!

  2. It´s week 38 of our marriage, and week 7 of the no, I´m still really far behind uploading the posts!! But they are coming!
