Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 43: Just like clockwork (week 12 of pregnancy)

Well, I didn´t believe my doctor when she told me that right around this week I would stop feeling nausea. It has been so long that I really thought it might never go away. But I can honestly say that while I do still feel nausea once in a while, and while rice definitely still makes me gag, I am feeling much better!

It´s funny to me that pregnancy for most women is so similar. I talk with my pregnant friends a lot and we are all going through the same kinds of things. It´s comforting to know that so many women have gone through the same things, and lived to tell the story! Ok, that´s an exaggeration, but still, it´s nice to know that you´re not alone.

Sometimes I joke to Jairo that God should have made women lay eggs instead of having to be pregnant for nine months and then give birth. It sure would be easier! Just pop that baby under a heat lamp for a few months and presto! Out comes your precious little bundle of joy! But I think pregnancy really is God´s way of preparing a woman for motherhood. It´s the first step out of our own selfishness, the first step towards being willing to suffer for someone else, the first step toward be willing to lose sleep, the first step toward learning to control those crazy emotions...I think it´s completely necessary. As difficult as pregnancy and labor are, I know motherhood will be a whole new challenge at a much higher stakes level. So while I can´t say that pregnancy for me has been as glowing and joyful as everyone says it is, I´m thankful for this time that God is preparing me to be a better mother. I just hope the second trimester is nice, like they say!!

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