Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 53: A possible soccer player? (week 22 of pregnancy)

So, I am increasingly amazed by the strength and force that my unborn child possesses. I would really not be surprised if I had some broken bones by the time labor comes around. I´m thinking that maybe we have a future athlete on our hands.

My mom says that I was a very active baby, and when the time came for me to be born, I was born very quickly. So, maybe this is a sign that our little munchkin is rearing to get out and will have a speedy delivery! A mom can hope, right?

It´s funny how the novelty of pregnancy starts to wear off the longer it goes on. Even the little movements that you used to be thrilled by start to get on your nerves after a while. After all, those kicks start hurting! And baby hiccups are only cute maybe once or twice. Then they are just annoying.

Still, I remind myself that this is the only time in my life when I will have an experience like this. The next time I get pregnant, I will already have another child to look after and my pregnancy experience will be much different. For one thing I imagine that it will include much less rest! I´m trying to enjoy the bonding I can do with the baby now, because I know I will never have this chance again. For nine months I get this little one all to myself, but after that I will never have him or her so close again! I will have to share this baby with the world! Or at least with relatives.

I will say this, though. Sometimes Jairo will come into our room and start singing with the guitar, and it never fails that this little one starts moving and grooving, and I love the fact that baby knows daddy´s voice...and it´s not a bad sign that he or she likes music, because that is pretty much a requirement in this family! I can´t wait to find out what else baby likes!

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