Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 48: Christmas! (week 17 of pregnancy)

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas is by far my favorite day of the year. It has been ever since I was little. This Christmas was somewhat bittersweet since I didn´t get to spend it with my family back home, but even so it was a beautiful day!

It was our first married Christmas. We preserved a lot of the traditions I have from my family, like reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 and getting up early on Christmas morning. We bought most of our gifts together, but we still wrapped them and we both threw in a couple of surprise gifts, too. It was a lot of fun!

What I most like about Christmas is what Christmas really means. I´m always amazed to think about the significance of this day for humanity, and for me personally. That baby didn´t stay a baby forever. He grew up and became the Savior of the world, and to think that God himself would come to dwell among us, trading in his glory to live as a human, in all our frailty and suffering. As if his life were not sacrifice enough, his death was horrific on every level, in ways that our human minds can´t even understand. Yet he did all this willingly, knowing that it was the only way to save us and loving us too much to let us spend an eternity in hell.

I´m a big fan of family get togethers and Christmas gifts, not to mention Christmas traditions, but I think there´s a danger that we might just forget the real meaning of Christmas behind all the lights and ornaments. Christmas is the one day of the year that should give us the most joy, not because of presents or loved ones, but because without this day, we would have been lost forever, hopeless, with no real purpose to our lives. Now, thanks to this day, thanks to God who decided to become one of us, we can live lives of abundance! What day could be better than this one?

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