Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 40: Thank Heaven for husbands (week 9 of pregnancy)

I just want to tell the world (or at least those of you who read my blog) that I thank God for my husband! Today I was thinking about single and teenage moms, who have to go through pregnancy and motherhood alone, and I feel extremely blessed to have a husband who supports and takes care of me.

To be honest, these days I am feeling like a complete loser in the wife department. I sleep all the time, and when I´m awake I just want to throw up. My diet consists of saltines and water, and I can´t even cook normal food for my husband because the smell of rice (a meal requirement in Ecuador) makes me want to vomit. Literally. My cleaning is to a bare minimum as I move sluggishly around the apartment trying to organize the most obvious parts of the house, and I´m really very little good for conversations, what with the mood swings and all.

Still, despite all this, my husband has very dutifully taken care of me (and himself, and the apartment) without so much as a complaint. He actually does it with a smile. And while he really has no idea where things go, and therefore I will have to reorganize the house once this phase of pregnancy passes, I can´t complain because he does it all to help me.

So if any of you out there have husbands like mine, who let you have a few off days without so much as a complaint and who help you when you need it just out of the goodness of their hearts, then take a moment and thank them. And then thank God for them. And then, if you´re pregnant, go ahead and take a nap.

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