Monday, December 31, 2012
New Series: SuperMom!
I´m finally getting ready to publish my newest series, and it´s one I´m especially excited about!
This series is to kick off a new thing I´m doing on here called ¨Get-through-your-Monday Girl Time¨! I will be posting something specifically for women every Monday morning, for a little ¨girl time¨ to start the week. I, and other women, will be writing things on here to uplift and encourage you, and help you feel connected to other women, no matter where on the globe you currently find yourself. This idea was born from my own personal need for girl time, and lack of nearby girlfriends as I serve on the mission field in Ecuador.
To kick off this special new Monday Girl Time, I´ve developed a new series. The series is called SuperMom: Undercover. I interviewed a handful of moms that I love and admire, because I want to share them with you!
This post is a sort of preface to the interviews that I will be publishing each week. As you read the interviews, what I hope is that these moms give you some encouragement about your own motherhood, if you´re a mother, or womanhood, if you´re a woman who hasn´t embarked on the journey of motherhood.
These women are not famous. This blog might be the first time you´ve ever heard of them. But they deserve to be recognized; not because they´re perfect, or have it all together, but because they are real moms, who make mistakes, and try their best to keep going and honor God. Their houses may or may not be completely organized, their laundry may or may not be done. They might be homeschool moms, or public school moms, or private school moms. They might be stay-at-home moms, or students or carreer women. They might be biological moms, adoptive moms or foster moms. They might be special needs moms. They might be moms who have suffered through miscarriage or the loss of a child. Their stories are all different, but they have this in common: They work hard every day to be a better mom than they were yesterday, to give their children what they need, many times at the cost of high personal sacrifice, and they don´t give up, even when being a mother is the hardest thing they´ve ever done.
These women don´t think of themselves as ¨super moms¨ at all. Most of them made a point of telling me that. They are painfully aware of their shortcomings, just like you and I are. They struggle to set aside selfishness and insecurity. They sometimes go to bed feeling like a failure.
Sound familiar?
I want to share these women with you because they are extraordinary. In a world where being a stay-at-home mom has become a competitive career, where Pinterest and blogs make you feel inadequate because you aren´t saving toilet paper rolls to turn into art or you aren´t teaching your one-week-old baby how to read, I think we could all use a dose of reality. Here are real moms, sharing their real lives with you, in the hopes that you will be encouraged to be who you are, to stop being so hard on yourself (if you figure out how, let us know!), and to just love your kids while you have them. They grow up too fast, and what we regret won´t be that we didn´t make edible finger paints for them. When we look back on motherhood, we want to know that we did our best, that we loved our children, that we taught them the most important lessons, and that when we give our accounting to God for how we raised them, He will say to us, ¨Well done!¨
You can find the links to each interview here, as I post them, starting next Monday, January 7th:
Becky Gudiño
Dusty Koepp
Darci Brown
Kimbre Varney
Jessica Llancafil
Julia Rodrick
Teresa Legere
Allison Bohn
Theresa Fuller
Catherine Allison
Gretchen Castro
Jeanne Gant
Tiffany Nardoni
Mariela Velasco
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
An Eternal Christmas Gift
This Christmas, are you happy with the gifts you have gotten for your loved ones? While we each open our many gifts on Christmas morning, there are children all over the world who will not open so much as one present. They will receive abuse, neglect and poverty instead of hearing and feeling the love of Christ. You can help change that! For a one-time gift of $20 you can change this Christmas for one child, and provide a toy and/or clothes for that child, as well as the opportunity to not only hear about God´s love, but experience it as well. Just email us at for more information!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
It´s Christmas Time!
Have you gotten your Christmas shopping done yet? You can add something eternal to your Christmas list by sponsoring a child for Christmas, for a one-time gift of $20! Your gift provides warm clothes and a toy/age appropriate gift, and an opportunity to share God´s love with a child in need! In return, you will get a photo of your child and the gifts you provided, not to mention rewards in heaven!
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Send me an email at for more information!
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Send me an email at for more information!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
And the winners are....
It´s time to announce the winners of our drawing!
We had a total of 90 tickets sold
And the winners are:
For the chess set, number 673: Darci Brown
For the table cloth, number 750: Gretchen Castro
For the nativity, number 712: Rosemary Weistart
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!!
You can check out a video of the drawing here. (just as soon as it loads onto facebook!)
We had a total of 90 tickets sold
And the winners are:
For the chess set, number 673: Darci Brown
For the table cloth, number 750: Gretchen Castro
For the nativity, number 712: Rosemary Weistart
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!!
You can check out a video of the drawing here. (just as soon as it loads onto facebook!)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Revolution Ministries Fundraiser!
Dear Family
and Friends,
I am so
excited to tell you about what has been going on in our lives lately and also
share with you something wonderful that we´re going to be doing!
If it seems
to some of you like it has been a while since you heard from us, first I want
to apologize. The truth is that this year has been very challenging for our
family, and we have been keeping a low profile and trying to regroup. Over
Christmas and New Year´s, Isabella and I were both sick, and I was in the
hospital. We were barely recovering from the physical and financial strain that
brought on when, in February of this year I suffered a miscarriage. It was a
very difficult time for us as a family, and we needed to take time out to heal.
Unfortunately, on the mission field, time out is hard to come by. We kept
saying we would do it, take time as a family, but it just never really worked
In July of
this year we got the first really good news that we had gotten all year—we were
expecting another baby! We were very happy to receive this news, but also
cautious about announcing it, since the last pregnancy ended in loss. We
recently saw the 12 week ultrasound and everything is going great so far! We
even saw the baby´s little nose!
Some of you
will remember that I had some complications in my pregnancy with Bella,
especially that near the end I had preeclampsia and had some very scary
experiences with Ecuadorian health care before Bella was born. Because of that,
and the miscarriage after that, we felt that it would wise for us to get
medical care for this pregnancy in the US.
We started
talking about taking a furlough from the mission field a while ago, after the
miscarriage. Both Jairo and I felt like God was leading us to take this step.
We decided to commit it to prayer and see what God would do. Over the next few
months we saw how God began to open the doors, in many ways. We believe that
now is the time that He is calling us to the US, to have the baby, to rest and
to fundraise for the next phase of the ministry here in Ecuador.
We plan to
stay in the US for 6 months to a year, depending on how God leads. During that
time we hope to visit family and friends, fundraise and visit those churches
that support us, and seek proper medical care for myself and the baby. We plan
to split our time between Illinois and Maine, since God seems to be opening
doors for us in both places, and we´re really looking forward to this trip!
God has
already used many generous people and churches to help us fundraise to get to
the US, but we still need to raise more money to pay for tickets and travel
expenses, as well as other costs, like a passport for the new baby! We´re
getting there, and we know God will see this through!
We are so
thankful to those people who have donated funds to the ministry for this
purpose without us even asking! Thank you! We know how hard it is for people to
sacrifice their money during this difficult economic climate, and we know God
will bless your generosity! We don´t have the funds ourselves to pay for
tickets, since we are full-time missionaries and live off of support and God´s
mercy, but we do want to work for this vision that God has placed on our
hearts. After a lot of praying and brainstorming, we decided to organize a
fundraiser for the trip in the form of a drawing!
will be
offering 3 (three) items in a drawing, and the tickets for the drawing
are $5
(five dollars) each. The items are a hand-carved, Ecuadorian-style
nativity set, a hand-embroidered table cloth, and a hand-crafted chess
whose characters are Incas vs. Spaniards. You can find pictures of the
items below. They are all hand-crafted here in the
artisan market in Quito, Ecuador.
We are officially opening the drawing today, September 19th, 2012,
and it will close at 11:59pm, central time, on October 17th, 2012.
winners will be announced here on my personal blog, our Revolution Ministries
webpage ( and on our
facebook group page (
If you
would like to participate in this drawing, it´s easy to do. First, let me know
that you would like to participate by sending me an email at Let me know your name,
address (for shipping the prize/s if you should win), and how many tickets you
would like to purchase. Then you can send in payment for your tickets to:
Revolution Ministries
844 Hackberry Rd.
Chatham, IL 62629
844 Hackberry Rd.
Chatham, IL 62629
If you send in a check or money order, please write
¨drawing¨ and the number of tickets you are purchasing (¨# tickets¨) on the
memo line. If you send cash, please include a note with your name, address, and
number of tickets you are purchasing. You will be given a number for each
ticket you purchase, and one winning number per prize will be chosen on
the date given above.
Legal stuff: There is no limit to how many tickets you can
purchase. Keep in mind that your chances of winning are increased if you buy
more tickets. Obviously we can only send a prize after we receive payment for
tickets, so if we do not receive payment we will have to choose another winner.
That´s it!
Our goal is to sell at least 750 tickets. It´s a big goal, but we serve a big
God! Please feel free to share this drawing with your friends, family and
coworkers. The items we are raffling are beautiful and hand-made, so even
people who aren´t familiar with our ministry might be interested in a drawing!
You can
track the progress of the drawing on our facebook group page (, which I
will try to keep updated as to the number of tickets sold.
Thank you
so much for taking the time to read this message and for considering your
participation in this fundraiser! We are so excited to see what God will do!
And we can´t wait to see all of you in person soon! Please help us by praying
for this fundraiser and for our family as we get ready for what God is doing!
In Christ,
Revolution Ministries
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Handmade chess set, Incas vs. Spaniards, 6.25in x 6.25in board. In this picture: The Incas. |
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Handmade chess set, Incas vs. Spaniards, 6.25in x 6.25in board. In this picture: The Spaniards. |
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Handmade chess set, Incas vs. Spaniards, 6.25in x 6.25in board. In this picture: The whole set. |
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Handmade chess set, Incas vs. Spaniards, 6.25in x 6.25in board. In this picture: The set is self-contained for easy storage. All pieces fit inside. |
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Handmade chess set, Incas vs. Spaniards, 6.25in x 6.25in board. In this picture: The set is self-contained for easy storage. View from the outside when packed up. |
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Hand-embroidered square table cloth. Known here in Ecuador as a ¨table center¨, looks lovely centered on any size table. The cloth measures 32in x 32in. |
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Hand-embroidered square table cloth. Known here in Ecuador as a ¨table center¨, looks lovely centered on any size table. The cloth measures 32in x 32in. In this picture: The cloth, partially folded. |
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Wooden, hand-carved nativity set. Beautiful detailing, hand painted. Six pieces: Three wise men, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Height of pieces, about 5.5in. |
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Wooden, hand-carved nativity set. Beautiful detailing, hand painted. Six pieces: Three wise men, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Height of pieces, about 5.5in. In this picture: Close up of detailing. |
Friday, June 22, 2012
When God Says ¨No¨.
I was sitting in a van full of people, some of the coolest people I know. Two guys were talking about how they had each lost a daughter, the same year, almost the same month. I had just had a miscarriage the month before, which is not the same thing, but in some small way I felt a connection with that parent´s heart that has experienced loss. One of the guys, in the course of the conversation, said, ¨Yeah, sometimes God says ´No´.¨
Has God ever said ¨No,¨ to you? Maybe he said ¨No,¨ to you in a big way, like in the loss of a child or family member. Maybe it was something smaller, but still painful.
There´s this idea circulating amongst Christians that if God says, ¨No,¨ to you, it means you either have some hidden sin in your life, or you didn´t have enough faith. I think there are circumstances where either of those two things could be true. Someone harboring sin in their lives with an unrepentant heart is making it very difficult for God to even hear their prayers, let alone answer. And certainly if we hope to receive anything from God we must believe that He can do it, and will do it, if it´s His will. But I know a lot of people who have receive big No´s from God, and weren´t living in either of those situations, as far as I can tell.
So, why does God say ¨No¨?
I think there are probably only two situations, outside the ones mentioned above, that cause God to say ¨No¨ to us. Either what we are asking for is going to be bad for us in the long run, or what we are asking for is not as good as something else that God is prepared to give us.
Of course, you have to understand that if you were given a choice between the thing you are asking for and the thing that is better, you might still choose the thing you are asking for. You might not see that better thing as being better, especially not at first.
Here´s an example: If you knew that the death of your own child would lead to the salvation and healing of hundreds, maybe thousands of children, would you choose to let your child die? Of course not! Only two kinds of people would do that: Crazy people and people who are almost entirely selfless, good and loving.
Here´s another example: Would you give up your child if you knew God would give you five more? No. No one would give up the child they know and love for five hypothetical children.
I think about Job. He lost everything, his possessions, his children, everything. At the end of the story we´re told that he is blessed with even more than he had, even with more children. Woohoo! Great ending for Job! Except he still lost his children. He would never be the same again. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one. You can´t go back.
And I think that´s the point.
When God talks about having plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, He is not short-sighted. It´s not really about all the children who will be saved by the loss of your child, or the five children you will gain. Those are just perks to get you through life in this miserable place. God is never only thinking of this life. This life is a tool to get you ready for the life to come.
It isn´t about what you lose. It´s about who you become. If we´re going to be ready for Heaven, we have to get rid of those bits of this world that are mixed into us. And at first, it´s not that painful. It´s mostly cosmetic. But the deeper we go, the more it hurts. At the same time, ask any doctor what worries him more: the splinter in your finger or the shrapnel in your heart. You have to go deeper, you have to let God get it all.
The lesson from Job is complicated and simple. You can read a hundred commentaries and find dozens of ideas on what the ¨point¨ is, but I think it´s simple. Job was a good man, a religious man, who didn´t know God. By the end of the story, he was a wounded man who knew God and loved Him. And you can´t get to know God while He´s just your magic Genie. You get to know God through the No´s.
You can´t go back. And when you´re going through it, you wish you could. But you can´t. Some people spend all their lives looking back, wishing to get the shrapnel put back in their hearts, and those are the people who never find peace.
The moment when God says ¨No¨ is the exact moment where you have to decide what you believe. Do you trust Him? Is He really good? Does He really love you? And if you decide to believe, despite your circumstances, then you take what might be the first real step of faith that you have ever taken. Your sufferings make your faith go from theoretical to real, and even though that shift is painful, it is completely necessary.
I´ll leave you with a few verses that I have found helpful. I hope they encourage you, too.
¨Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.¨ Hosea 6:1
¨I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.¨ Philipians 3:10-11
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:21
Has God ever said ¨No,¨ to you? Maybe he said ¨No,¨ to you in a big way, like in the loss of a child or family member. Maybe it was something smaller, but still painful.
There´s this idea circulating amongst Christians that if God says, ¨No,¨ to you, it means you either have some hidden sin in your life, or you didn´t have enough faith. I think there are circumstances where either of those two things could be true. Someone harboring sin in their lives with an unrepentant heart is making it very difficult for God to even hear their prayers, let alone answer. And certainly if we hope to receive anything from God we must believe that He can do it, and will do it, if it´s His will. But I know a lot of people who have receive big No´s from God, and weren´t living in either of those situations, as far as I can tell.
So, why does God say ¨No¨?
I think there are probably only two situations, outside the ones mentioned above, that cause God to say ¨No¨ to us. Either what we are asking for is going to be bad for us in the long run, or what we are asking for is not as good as something else that God is prepared to give us.
Of course, you have to understand that if you were given a choice between the thing you are asking for and the thing that is better, you might still choose the thing you are asking for. You might not see that better thing as being better, especially not at first.
Here´s an example: If you knew that the death of your own child would lead to the salvation and healing of hundreds, maybe thousands of children, would you choose to let your child die? Of course not! Only two kinds of people would do that: Crazy people and people who are almost entirely selfless, good and loving.
Here´s another example: Would you give up your child if you knew God would give you five more? No. No one would give up the child they know and love for five hypothetical children.
I think about Job. He lost everything, his possessions, his children, everything. At the end of the story we´re told that he is blessed with even more than he had, even with more children. Woohoo! Great ending for Job! Except he still lost his children. He would never be the same again. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one. You can´t go back.
And I think that´s the point.
When God talks about having plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, He is not short-sighted. It´s not really about all the children who will be saved by the loss of your child, or the five children you will gain. Those are just perks to get you through life in this miserable place. God is never only thinking of this life. This life is a tool to get you ready for the life to come.
It isn´t about what you lose. It´s about who you become. If we´re going to be ready for Heaven, we have to get rid of those bits of this world that are mixed into us. And at first, it´s not that painful. It´s mostly cosmetic. But the deeper we go, the more it hurts. At the same time, ask any doctor what worries him more: the splinter in your finger or the shrapnel in your heart. You have to go deeper, you have to let God get it all.
The lesson from Job is complicated and simple. You can read a hundred commentaries and find dozens of ideas on what the ¨point¨ is, but I think it´s simple. Job was a good man, a religious man, who didn´t know God. By the end of the story, he was a wounded man who knew God and loved Him. And you can´t get to know God while He´s just your magic Genie. You get to know God through the No´s.
You can´t go back. And when you´re going through it, you wish you could. But you can´t. Some people spend all their lives looking back, wishing to get the shrapnel put back in their hearts, and those are the people who never find peace.
The moment when God says ¨No¨ is the exact moment where you have to decide what you believe. Do you trust Him? Is He really good? Does He really love you? And if you decide to believe, despite your circumstances, then you take what might be the first real step of faith that you have ever taken. Your sufferings make your faith go from theoretical to real, and even though that shift is painful, it is completely necessary.
I´ll leave you with a few verses that I have found helpful. I hope they encourage you, too.
¨Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.¨ Hosea 6:1
¨I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.¨ Philipians 3:10-11
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:21
Friday, May 25, 2012
It all started with a faint pink line...
I haven´t written in this blog for a long time. I didn´t feel ready to share what has been going on in my life lately. I needed to process it and accept it, and in some way understand it. Once I did all that, I had to face the blank screen of my computer and try to find the words to express it all. So here it is. I hope it explains my absence and I also hope it encourages you, no matter what you´re going through right now.
When we decided to try to get pregnant the first time, I got pregnant with B the very first month we tried. So, I was sort of expecting the same thing the second time around. So, getting that monthly reminder that I was not pregnant after the first month of trying for baby #2 was a total let down to me, emotionally. The second month of trying could really be more classified as "not not trying". There was no real effort at timing. We were super busy. I was a little disappointed from last month not working, and not sure I was up to what might be months and months of waiting and being disappointed.
As the month wore on, what changed for me was my attitude. I have this long list of things to cover in prayer this time around. With B, it was just healthy delivery, healthy baby, healthy mommy, no c-section, no episiotomy. Oh how little I knew about what all can go wrong! Now the list was something like this: no miscarriage, no birth defects, no pre-eclampsia, no psycho doctors, no food allergies for baby, no urinary tract infections, no sibling rivalry, no vomitting, no mood swings, no stretch marks, no swelling, healthy delivery, healthy baby, healthy mommy, no c-section, no episiotomy...and the list just got longer and longer. Nothing out of my control, please. Thank you.
I realized somewhere in there as I spent time with God that there's nothing wrong with sharing our fears and concerns with God, but at some point we have to actually trust Him. If I were to have a miscarriage, would I still love and serve God? If my child is born with severe food allergies or some medical condition, would I curse God and desert my faith? Would my wish list not coming true mean that God doesn't love me, or that He is not good? Wasn't I putting conditions on my love for Him?
I had to let go. I said, "Ok, God. I trust you. I mean, I don't really. But I want to. I choose to. Whatever you have for me, I'll take it. Because I know it will be the best thing for me." Ouch. Hard prayer to pray. Hard prayer to mean.
When I started feeling pregnant-ish, I blew it off. Last month I got my hopes up, and I looked like a total idiot to my husband when I turned out not to be pregnant. This time I was zipping those lips. We'll see, I would tell myself. So I feel a little more exhausted that usual? I have a toddler. Do I ever NOT feel exhausted? So I'm a little moody? Again. Mother of a toddler. Ha. So I waited. And waited.
I am not a waiter. I am hasty, impulsive, NOW NOW NOW! But I waited.
One day late. (Last month was February. Short month. Probably thrown off by that.) Two days late. Hmm. Cramps, probably going to end these suspicions any minute. Three days late. Weird. Very uncommon for me. But still. No high hopes. Four days late...moment of truth.
I started getting bad headaches on day four, and some nausea. Could be coming down with something. But Jairo was leaving for Puyo tomorrow night, and I really wanted to know before he left. We went out as a family and I found some pretext to go off on my own for a minute, went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. Should I take it now? Should I wait?
I decided it was now or never. With a friend covering me in prayer (the only way to do anything right), the next morning as soon as I woke up, I went straight to the bathroom (needed to anyway), pulled the test out from its hiding place amidst the feminine hygiene products (he would never look there!), studied it one more time and went for it. One line, not pregnant. Two lines, pregnant. My prayer was that whatever happened, the test would be accurate.
I waited. One line appeared instantly. Where was the other line? Why wasn't it there? (Apparently I did get my hopes up, after all.) Are you kidding me? I am never late!! Wait...that looks that a very faint...(B starts crying)...CRAP. Hide the evidence. Grab the test. Go get B back to sleep.
Jairo wakes up as I get back into bed and gets up to use the bathroom. (So glad I hid the evidence!) He comes back and falls right asleep. He saw nothing. Good. Bella drifts off. I dash out of bed (except it was more like a slow, acrobatic crawl), grab the test and rush off to the kitchen (good lighting). There is definitely a faint second line! It's light. Very light. But any positive is a positive in pregnancy tests. It's graded on a curve. As long as you get something, you're growing a baby in there.
I decided to wake Jairo up and tell him the news. I made a really quick design on photoshop, something like this:
Picture of Jairo as a kid and his birthdate.
Picture of me as a kid and my birthdate.
Picture of our wedding and our wedding date.
Picture of B when she was born and her birthday.
Picture of the new pregnancy test and the expected due date (thanks to online due date calculators)
I woke him up (always a difficult job). I said, come here, it's important. I had put the design on the background of my computer. Look, I said. He looked. He looked again. Then he jumped up and said, Really?!?!?!
It was great. I can never do surprises. I must be maturing or something. Ha.
And so, it started with a faint pink line.
But this time it didn´t end nine months later with the delivery of a new baby.
I look back on it and realize that God was preparing me for something as I played tug of war during prayer time. That one thing that we all dread as soon as we find out we are pregnant, but try to keep out of our minds. Miscarriage. Before he took me through it, He got me to the point of acceptance. He got me to the place where I put the life of this little one in His hands, and trusted Him.
I´ll be honest. The whole reason I´m sharing this on my blog, instead of keeping it secret like I would have wanted to, is because I hope it will help someone else. So I´ll be totally honest.
When I saw the bleeding a few days after the positive pregnancy test, I knew in my heart what the doctor would later confirm, because the truth is, I had known it all along. That´s why I fought so fiercly with God. I knew what was coming. I see now that it was God´s mercy. But at the time it seemed like a cruel joke.
Why would God induce me to trust Him and then do the very thing I feared the most?
Do you know why?
Because He loves me.
I know. It seems like a contradiction. You don´t have to tell me how difficult of an idea it is to accept...I know. I went through it.
Those who suffer are blessed, because they receive comfort from God. They get to know Him, not as a magic genie or a last resort, but as a real person, with a will and a plan. Our suffering brings us one step closer to knowing Him, and knowing Him eclispes any suffering we experience.
I think it´s easy to take God for granted, to misunderstand the real purpose of our salvation. We weren´t saved so that life would be easy. We were saved for holiness. If you want to purify gold, you don´t cuddle with it, you put it through the fire. If you want to sanctify a person, you do the same thing.
I think this loss was, for me, the final straw. But not in the way people might expect. To me it was like the last lock finally being opened, and being free for the first time of all of my delisions about this world. I could finally realize that this world is not my home, it is not worth holding on to, and that I have to live my life for what is to come.
If you are suffering, there is comfort to be found in Christ, and it is a comfort that works like a strong medicine. It tastes bitter when you drink it, but it heals you completely. It doesn´t just restore your health, it brings you to a new level of health, spiritual health, and you would never have gotten there if you weren´t first sick and in need of a cure. The suffering of this life is merciful because it readies us for the next life, and equips us to live this life the way we ought to, for God and not for ourselves.
I´m thankful for my sufferings and I am thankful for my blessings. I´m thankful for the baby I will meet someday in heaven, and I´m thankful for the baby I hold in my arms every night. And I´m thankful because finally I can sincerely say with John, ¨Even so, Lord Jesus, Come!¨
Friday, March 2, 2012
Clean your Microwave and your Kitchen Drain in about Five Minutes!
This is by far the easiest way you will ever clean your microwave and kitchen sink drain. It will take you right around 5 minutes!
Start with a microwave-safe container of water, about 4 cups or so.
Grab some limes (or lemons). If you use these little cooking limes, you´ll use about 1 per cup of water.
Cut the limes in half.
Juice the limes. I use a lime juicer, but you can use your hands. It doesn´t matter if the seeds fall in the water.
Put the bowl in the microwave, uncovered, for 3 minutes. While it´s in there, wipe down the outside of your microwave. If it takes you longer than three minutes, you´re not doing this often enough!!
Once the microwave beeps, set your timer for 2 minutes. Don´t open your microwave yet. While you´re waiting for the timer to go off, wash your cutting board, knife and juicer.
Once the two minutes is up, wipe down the inside of your microwave. The grime should slide right off. If it´s super dirty, you might need to dip your rag in the lime water and then wipe down. Microwave done.
Now get out your baking soda.
Grab that bowl of lime water and dumb some baking soda in there, maybe about 1/4 to 1/2 cup or so. It will fizz. Now dump the mixture down your kitchen drain. Flush with hot water. Done.
Easy, right? What will you do with all the time I just saved you, not to mention the lack of toxic fumes??
Start with a microwave-safe container of water, about 4 cups or so.
Grab some limes (or lemons). If you use these little cooking limes, you´ll use about 1 per cup of water.
Cut the limes in half.
Juice the limes. I use a lime juicer, but you can use your hands. It doesn´t matter if the seeds fall in the water.
Put the bowl in the microwave, uncovered, for 3 minutes. While it´s in there, wipe down the outside of your microwave. If it takes you longer than three minutes, you´re not doing this often enough!!
Once the microwave beeps, set your timer for 2 minutes. Don´t open your microwave yet. While you´re waiting for the timer to go off, wash your cutting board, knife and juicer.
Once the two minutes is up, wipe down the inside of your microwave. The grime should slide right off. If it´s super dirty, you might need to dip your rag in the lime water and then wipe down. Microwave done.
Now get out your baking soda.
Grab that bowl of lime water and dumb some baking soda in there, maybe about 1/4 to 1/2 cup or so. It will fizz. Now dump the mixture down your kitchen drain. Flush with hot water. Done.
Easy, right? What will you do with all the time I just saved you, not to mention the lack of toxic fumes??
Monday, February 27, 2012
Things you Forget to Remember
I stole the title of this post from my friend Tiffany´s blog. She is an amazing mom, and will inspire you, so check it out!
Anyway, there are so many things that our kids do that are hilarious, adorable, infuriating, etc. but we start to forget them as time goes on. I was thinking today about the things B does, or did, that I don´t want to forget. As I think of them, I will blog them. Hopefully soon I can get started journaling to B, too, so she will have a record of how obsessed I am with her once she hits adolescence and starts thinking I´m out to get her!
Here goes:
Baby snores (louder than you might expect if you haven´t had a baby)
B´s little boogie dance she used to do when she was maybe 6 or 7 months old
The way she has learned that she can get herself out of trouble pretty quickly by giving mommy a big, sloppy kiss
¨Ah buh boo¨ (I love you), and the first time she said it all on her own, instead of just responding to me
B waking up in the middle of the night, shooting me a huge grin, and falling back asleep
Talking in her sleep, with mostly made up words...ADORABLE.
Asking me to put clips in her hair so she can go flirt with herself in the mirror for 10 minutes straight
¨Cah-Cown¨ (popcorn) B´s favorite food of all time (for now!)
Coming up to me randomly and asking to ¨Bay¨ (pray), which goes something like this:
¨Ka (God), Tah-tyoo (thank you), Ah buh boo (I love you), Men (Amen).¨
The way she can have just woken up from a nap two seconds ago, but if you say ¨vamos¨ (let´s go in Spanish), she´ll wake right up and say ¨VAMOOOOOO¨
Her obession with shoes. I spend all day taking off one pair of shoes and putting on another. And another.
The way she has always followed her own pace, ever since she was in the womb. If you just wait, she´ll tell you when she´s ready for the next big step.
B trying to feed a stray dog her lunch today at an outdoor restaurant. Too cute.
Her adoration of all animals, but especially ¨doks¨ (dogs), ¨mau¨ (cats), ¨sh¨ (fish) and ¨BEE!!¨ (birds)
The way she lovingly mothers her baby dolls. That makes me feel like I´m doing something right!
The face she makes when you ask her to show off, and you can tell she wants to, but she´s feeling shy/embarassed
The smile she has when she gets her way (or just thinks she does, like when we gave her a glass of juice and she seemed to think she somehow conned her way into some kind of glorious treat)
The way it feels to snuggle with her every naptime and bed time, and to feel like I wish I didn´t have anything else in the world to do but stay there and hold her (and sometimes, I just ignore everything else I have to do and hold her anyway!)
The way she always wakes up right when I´m in the middle of something, like right now!! Goodnight!
Anyway, there are so many things that our kids do that are hilarious, adorable, infuriating, etc. but we start to forget them as time goes on. I was thinking today about the things B does, or did, that I don´t want to forget. As I think of them, I will blog them. Hopefully soon I can get started journaling to B, too, so she will have a record of how obsessed I am with her once she hits adolescence and starts thinking I´m out to get her!
Here goes:
Baby snores (louder than you might expect if you haven´t had a baby)
B´s little boogie dance she used to do when she was maybe 6 or 7 months old
The way she has learned that she can get herself out of trouble pretty quickly by giving mommy a big, sloppy kiss
¨Ah buh boo¨ (I love you), and the first time she said it all on her own, instead of just responding to me
B waking up in the middle of the night, shooting me a huge grin, and falling back asleep
Talking in her sleep, with mostly made up words...ADORABLE.
Asking me to put clips in her hair so she can go flirt with herself in the mirror for 10 minutes straight
¨Cah-Cown¨ (popcorn) B´s favorite food of all time (for now!)
Coming up to me randomly and asking to ¨Bay¨ (pray), which goes something like this:
¨Ka (God), Tah-tyoo (thank you), Ah buh boo (I love you), Men (Amen).¨
The way she can have just woken up from a nap two seconds ago, but if you say ¨vamos¨ (let´s go in Spanish), she´ll wake right up and say ¨VAMOOOOOO¨
Her obession with shoes. I spend all day taking off one pair of shoes and putting on another. And another.
The way she has always followed her own pace, ever since she was in the womb. If you just wait, she´ll tell you when she´s ready for the next big step.
B trying to feed a stray dog her lunch today at an outdoor restaurant. Too cute.
Her adoration of all animals, but especially ¨doks¨ (dogs), ¨mau¨ (cats), ¨sh¨ (fish) and ¨BEE!!¨ (birds)
The way she lovingly mothers her baby dolls. That makes me feel like I´m doing something right!
The face she makes when you ask her to show off, and you can tell she wants to, but she´s feeling shy/embarassed
The smile she has when she gets her way (or just thinks she does, like when we gave her a glass of juice and she seemed to think she somehow conned her way into some kind of glorious treat)
The way it feels to snuggle with her every naptime and bed time, and to feel like I wish I didn´t have anything else in the world to do but stay there and hold her (and sometimes, I just ignore everything else I have to do and hold her anyway!)
The way she always wakes up right when I´m in the middle of something, like right now!! Goodnight!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Easy (and healthy!) Toddler Ice Cream
Ok, I was trying to come up with a way to make smoothies for my toddler the other day while working around her food allergies. You can find the recipe for the smoothies I usually make at home right here.
B is allergic to bananas and she is lactose intolerant (hopefully just for now!). So that rules out the bananas and yogurt that I use for the smoothies, and there is no lactose-free yogurt in Ecuador. There is, however, lactose-free milk. So that got my wheels turning.
(On a side-note, this is SO easy, you could adjust it for your own toddler allergies, like using soy, almond or coconut milk, or just use regular milk for a toddler with no milk allergy. You can use different fruits and juices, too. I´d love to hear what you come up with!)
So here´s what you need:
B is allergic to bananas and she is lactose intolerant (hopefully just for now!). So that rules out the bananas and yogurt that I use for the smoothies, and there is no lactose-free yogurt in Ecuador. There is, however, lactose-free milk. So that got my wheels turning.
(On a side-note, this is SO easy, you could adjust it for your own toddler allergies, like using soy, almond or coconut milk, or just use regular milk for a toddler with no milk allergy. You can use different fruits and juices, too. I´d love to hear what you come up with!)
So here´s what you need:
Frozen lactose-free milk (or whatever milk you want to use), frozen in an ice tray
Frozen Strawberries (or any other frozen fruit you choose)
A very small amount of fruit juice (I used apricot nectar, you can use anything you like)
Put your ingredients together in a blender or food processor. For my almost two-year-old, I used 3 cubes of milk, about 5 or 6 strawberry slices, and a tiny amount of juice (maybe a teaspoon?)
That´s it! Spoon into a bowl a serve immediately!
I told you it was easy! One tip: it melts fairly quickly, and then will be more of a smoothie consistency. (If you have an independent kiddo that insists on feeding herself, it will melt. B doesn´t seem to mind, though!)
I call this toddler ice cream, but I´m thinking of making a bunch for me! It´s so good you´ll want to just stick your face in it!
Super Easy and Yummy Smoothies
Every Friday, my husband fasts and does not join us for breakfast, so it´s my easy day. For B I make easy peasy toddler ice cream, and for myself I make a smoothie. This particular recipe is oh so easy, quick and yummy!
Here´s what you need (for one adult):
1 Banana (frozen if you like your smoothies thick)
About a cup of frozen strawberries
About 1/2 cup of yogurt (natural or flavored, you decide)
About 1/2 cup of milk
Put the dry ingredients in the blender: (Mine is dirty because I made B´s ice cream first)
Here´s what you need (for one adult):
1 Banana (frozen if you like your smoothies thick)
About a cup of frozen strawberries
About 1/2 cup of yogurt (natural or flavored, you decide)
About 1/2 cup of milk
Put the dry ingredients in the blender: (Mine is dirty because I made B´s ice cream first)
Add yogurt. (Yogurt in Ecuador is all drinkable yogurt. Mine is apricot. Very tangy!)
Add milk.
Oatmeal Creme Pies
While my niece is staying here for a week or so, and she was begging me to teach her to make cookies. (Baking is not a very common skill here in Ecuador.) I had been wanting to try to make homemade oatmeal cream pies, because they don´t have them here and I was craving them, so I decided we´d make those together as her first cookie experience. It was fun! My mother-in-law even joined in!
I looked up the recipe, but I used this recipe for the marshmallow fluff. It came out a little more runny that the store-bought kind, but it tasted the same. And we dyed the marshmallow fluff green.
The only change we made was that we made homemade corn syrup. My niece had never used food coloring before! (I know, what do these children DO all day?!? Ha.)
They were a big hit with everyone. Even Jairo. And that´s saying something, because he´s generally a party-pooper when it comes to sweets. They weren´t really too much like the store-bought kind, but they were good!
It was fun to spend some ¨girl time¨, and even more fun because I was the only one who had really ever baked before, so it was funny to watch them learn and try things. It made me wish Bella were a little older so we could do those things together, but that time will come!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I´m baaaack!
Did you miss me? I just want to issue an official apology for not blogging lately. It´s partly because there are so many things I want to post, and I am redoing the blog, and I feel like I can´t publish it all until it´s perfect! And it´s partly because there are so many things going on in our life right now that it´s hard to know where to start. And also, I´m a little bit lazy. I already do SO MUCH work on the computer for the ministry, that I´m tired of looking at it!
However, dear readers, I have not forgotten you! I wanted to take a break from talking about me, me, me and just share a little bit of what I have been reading in God´s Word. I really will update you all on us, just not today! I hope you don´t mind!!
Ok, so a good friend of mine recommended to me that I read Psalm 5. I wanted to really dig deep into the Psalm and get everything I could out of it, so I used an online commentary that was AWESOME. You should check it out.
I have like 10 pages in my journal just on this Psalm. And it made me want to just start in Genesis and do a verse-by-verse study of the whole Bible.Who knows, maybe I will!
First of all, this Psalm really encouraged me to get up early to spend time in prayer, before anyone else is up. I think there are a couple of good reasons to do it. First of all, it´s a smack in the face to the flesh part of us. And any time you can smack the flesh in the face, it´s a good idea to do it! Because the flesh in a loser. Also, it is probably the only truly uninterrupted time you´ll have all day. No one is going to call you. No one is going to show up at your door. No one is going to ask you to do anything, because everyone else is still snoring! And last, but not least, it´s the best start to your day you could ask for. It helps your spirit wake up along with your body, and it puts God in first place. If you start your day like that, you´re more likely to finish it like that.
So, check out this quote from the commentary:
When first thy eyes unveil, give thy soul leave to do the like; our bodies but forerun the spirit's duty: true hearts spread and heave unto their God, as flowers do to the sun. Give him thy first thoughts, then, so shalt thou keep Him company all day, and in him sleep. Yet never sleep the sun up; prayer should Dawn with the day. There are set awful hours twixt heaven and us; the manna was not good after sun rising, for day sullies flowers. Rise to prevent the sun; sleep doth sins glut, and heaven's gate opens when the world's is shut...Go this way, and thou art sure to prosper all the day. Henry Vaughn, 1621-1695
Man, I wish I lived in the 1600´s so I could talk like that. Sigh.
Ok, my other favorite thing about this Psalm is that apparently in the Hebrew, David basically says he will arrange his prayers before God like a priest arranges the sacrifice upon the altar. He will make his best effort to present his prayers before God in such a way that they will be pleasing to Him. I wonder how often we do that? I think most of the time we just let the words flow out without foresight or consideration, as if we were talking to any old person and not to the King of the universe. It really challenged me to sit down and journal my prayer requests and thoughts before prayer, and then consider more carefully the way I was addressing God. Sure, we can come to the throne room in confidence, but not in disrespect!
So, I will leave you with two awesome quotes:
For want of looking up many a prayer is lost. If you do not believe, why do you pray? And if you believe, why do you not expect? By praying you seem to depend on God; by not expecting, you again renounce your confidence. What is this but to take his name in vain? O Christian, stand to your prayer in a holy expectation of what you have begged upon the credit of the promise ... Mordecai, no doubt, had put up many prayers for Esther, and therefore he waits at the king's gate, looking what answer God would in his providence give thereunto. Do thou likewise. William Gurnall.
He is either a fool or a madman, he is either very weak or very wicked, that prays and prays but never looks after his prayers; that shoots many an arrow toward heaven, but never minds where his arrows alight. Thomas Brooks.
So, the question after reading that is, do we believe? Do we expect? Are we fools, or madmen? Are we weak, or wicked? Ok, that´s four questions. Whatever. Just think about it!
However, dear readers, I have not forgotten you! I wanted to take a break from talking about me, me, me and just share a little bit of what I have been reading in God´s Word. I really will update you all on us, just not today! I hope you don´t mind!!
Ok, so a good friend of mine recommended to me that I read Psalm 5. I wanted to really dig deep into the Psalm and get everything I could out of it, so I used an online commentary that was AWESOME. You should check it out.
I have like 10 pages in my journal just on this Psalm. And it made me want to just start in Genesis and do a verse-by-verse study of the whole Bible.Who knows, maybe I will!
First of all, this Psalm really encouraged me to get up early to spend time in prayer, before anyone else is up. I think there are a couple of good reasons to do it. First of all, it´s a smack in the face to the flesh part of us. And any time you can smack the flesh in the face, it´s a good idea to do it! Because the flesh in a loser. Also, it is probably the only truly uninterrupted time you´ll have all day. No one is going to call you. No one is going to show up at your door. No one is going to ask you to do anything, because everyone else is still snoring! And last, but not least, it´s the best start to your day you could ask for. It helps your spirit wake up along with your body, and it puts God in first place. If you start your day like that, you´re more likely to finish it like that.
So, check out this quote from the commentary:
When first thy eyes unveil, give thy soul leave to do the like; our bodies but forerun the spirit's duty: true hearts spread and heave unto their God, as flowers do to the sun. Give him thy first thoughts, then, so shalt thou keep Him company all day, and in him sleep. Yet never sleep the sun up; prayer should Dawn with the day. There are set awful hours twixt heaven and us; the manna was not good after sun rising, for day sullies flowers. Rise to prevent the sun; sleep doth sins glut, and heaven's gate opens when the world's is shut...Go this way, and thou art sure to prosper all the day. Henry Vaughn, 1621-1695
Man, I wish I lived in the 1600´s so I could talk like that. Sigh.
Ok, my other favorite thing about this Psalm is that apparently in the Hebrew, David basically says he will arrange his prayers before God like a priest arranges the sacrifice upon the altar. He will make his best effort to present his prayers before God in such a way that they will be pleasing to Him. I wonder how often we do that? I think most of the time we just let the words flow out without foresight or consideration, as if we were talking to any old person and not to the King of the universe. It really challenged me to sit down and journal my prayer requests and thoughts before prayer, and then consider more carefully the way I was addressing God. Sure, we can come to the throne room in confidence, but not in disrespect!
So, I will leave you with two awesome quotes:
For want of looking up many a prayer is lost. If you do not believe, why do you pray? And if you believe, why do you not expect? By praying you seem to depend on God; by not expecting, you again renounce your confidence. What is this but to take his name in vain? O Christian, stand to your prayer in a holy expectation of what you have begged upon the credit of the promise ... Mordecai, no doubt, had put up many prayers for Esther, and therefore he waits at the king's gate, looking what answer God would in his providence give thereunto. Do thou likewise. William Gurnall.
He is either a fool or a madman, he is either very weak or very wicked, that prays and prays but never looks after his prayers; that shoots many an arrow toward heaven, but never minds where his arrows alight. Thomas Brooks.
So, the question after reading that is, do we believe? Do we expect? Are we fools, or madmen? Are we weak, or wicked? Ok, that´s four questions. Whatever. Just think about it!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
So much has happened..
So much has happened that I don´t even know how to write this post. God is taking us through a desert, through the fire, up the mountain and through the valley. My heart is breaking in places I didn´t know it had, and I can´t sleep.
I´m listening to the sweet voice of one of my dearest friends, thanks to the wonders of the internet. I´m in Ecuador, he and his sweet family are in Illinois, and I am listening to the way he praises God through the pain he is feeling that I cannot begin to imagine.
I will write about some of the trials we have been facing lately in other posts, but it all pales in comparison to the story I am going to share with you right now. If you want to know what faith is, if you want to know what it means to cling to Christ, if you want to know how to be strong in the midst of the storm and seek solice in the Holy Spirit, please don´t look to me. Look at my beautiful friends, and learn from them like I am learning from them.
If in the years I have been writing this blog I have gained any followers or any amount of influence, I hope that it all has been to direct you all to this family and the ways you can help them, and they ways they can help you.
Jeff and Tiffany, whom I have known since I was little, are a family who have known loss as a way of life, and yet there is nothing they have denied their Savior that He has asked of them. Their beautiful son, Thao, 5, went home to be with Jesus a few days ago, and even now I am listening to the praises they offer to Him, the One who asked everything of them.
I know God doesn´t have favorites, but I can´t imagine any children of His that could be more beloved than these dear friends of mine. Please take some time to read about them, to pray for them, and to donate to the fund established in their honor. Even if all you can spare is $5, please accept my most fervent and honest testimony that there is no family more worthy of your investment, and I´m certain that the heavenly dividends will be endless.
You can read about what happened, on facebook, here:!/groups/241400089259888/
You can read about Thao here:
You can read mom Tiffany´s blog here:
You can listen to the church service days after Thao went to be with Jesus here:
Click on ¨Praising God after Thao´s Passing¨ At the end (around 40 minutes and following) you can hear what I am listening to right now, dad Jeff´s worship set, featuring some of Thao´s favorite songs.
You can donate to this wonderful family here:
Every little bit helps.
You can pray for this family now, and whenever you remember them. They didn´t withhold even their precious son from God, let´s not withhold our prayers and support from them. Thank you.
I´m listening to the sweet voice of one of my dearest friends, thanks to the wonders of the internet. I´m in Ecuador, he and his sweet family are in Illinois, and I am listening to the way he praises God through the pain he is feeling that I cannot begin to imagine.
I will write about some of the trials we have been facing lately in other posts, but it all pales in comparison to the story I am going to share with you right now. If you want to know what faith is, if you want to know what it means to cling to Christ, if you want to know how to be strong in the midst of the storm and seek solice in the Holy Spirit, please don´t look to me. Look at my beautiful friends, and learn from them like I am learning from them.
If in the years I have been writing this blog I have gained any followers or any amount of influence, I hope that it all has been to direct you all to this family and the ways you can help them, and they ways they can help you.
Jeff and Tiffany, whom I have known since I was little, are a family who have known loss as a way of life, and yet there is nothing they have denied their Savior that He has asked of them. Their beautiful son, Thao, 5, went home to be with Jesus a few days ago, and even now I am listening to the praises they offer to Him, the One who asked everything of them.
I know God doesn´t have favorites, but I can´t imagine any children of His that could be more beloved than these dear friends of mine. Please take some time to read about them, to pray for them, and to donate to the fund established in their honor. Even if all you can spare is $5, please accept my most fervent and honest testimony that there is no family more worthy of your investment, and I´m certain that the heavenly dividends will be endless.
You can read about what happened, on facebook, here:!/groups/241400089259888/
You can read about Thao here:
You can read mom Tiffany´s blog here:
You can listen to the church service days after Thao went to be with Jesus here:
Click on ¨Praising God after Thao´s Passing¨ At the end (around 40 minutes and following) you can hear what I am listening to right now, dad Jeff´s worship set, featuring some of Thao´s favorite songs.
You can donate to this wonderful family here:
Every little bit helps.
You can pray for this family now, and whenever you remember them. They didn´t withhold even their precious son from God, let´s not withhold our prayers and support from them. Thank you.
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