B is allergic to bananas and she is lactose intolerant (hopefully just for now!). So that rules out the bananas and yogurt that I use for the smoothies, and there is no lactose-free yogurt in Ecuador. There is, however, lactose-free milk. So that got my wheels turning.
(On a side-note, this is SO easy, you could adjust it for your own toddler allergies, like using soy, almond or coconut milk, or just use regular milk for a toddler with no milk allergy. You can use different fruits and juices, too. I´d love to hear what you come up with!)
So here´s what you need:
Frozen lactose-free milk (or whatever milk you want to use), frozen in an ice tray
Frozen Strawberries (or any other frozen fruit you choose)
A very small amount of fruit juice (I used apricot nectar, you can use anything you like)
Put your ingredients together in a blender or food processor. For my almost two-year-old, I used 3 cubes of milk, about 5 or 6 strawberry slices, and a tiny amount of juice (maybe a teaspoon?)
That´s it! Spoon into a bowl a serve immediately!
I told you it was easy! One tip: it melts fairly quickly, and then will be more of a smoothie consistency. (If you have an independent kiddo that insists on feeding herself, it will melt. B doesn´t seem to mind, though!)
I call this toddler ice cream, but I´m thinking of making a bunch for me! It´s so good you´ll want to just stick your face in it!
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