Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week Five: My Newly-Discovered Intolerance to Bloodshed

The adventures never end in Ecuador. I was cooking dinner, and Bre was helping me. She was washing the dishes when I hear something break. I turn to Bre to see what happened, and see that her thumb is gushing blood on top of a broken plate. And I mean, gushing. She ran to the bathroom, and then I heard her start moaning and sounding generally bad, so I went to see how she was. She said she needed something to stop the bleeding, and we’re in Ecuador so I don’t have bandages and stuff. I grab some napkins, and upon arriving to the bathroom realize from the amount of blood that the napkins aren’t going to cut it. I grab a clean towel and we tie it around the injured thumb with some left over ribbon from my wedding.

I calmly advise my husband that we will need to be making a trip to the hospital. He asks why we don’t just have Bre suck on it until it stops bleeding. He hasn’t seen the carnage in the bathroom. I try to stay calm and insist on leaving. He sees Bre and says, “Wow, she’s really pale. Let’s Go.”

We go to the pharmacy nearby to see what we should do. (They are like physician’s assistants there.) The guy says we absolutely need to get her stitches. She’s bleeding through the towel, but I brought another one. He tells us there’s a clinic like two blocks down the road so we walk there and find that they are still open. Good.

They only let me and Bre in, just so I can translate. They tell us to sit down and one of the two guys starts this sales pitch to the doctor. I got mad. I said, “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt your meeting, but my friend is bleeding. I don’t know if you knew.” Welcome to Ecuador.

They realize I’m angry and the doctor decides he will see Bre now. He takes off the towel and there was so much blood I swear we were in Braveheart. I tell Bre not to look at it, it’s fine, while trying not to faint. He gives her a shot to numb it and starts sewing her up, and I’m starting to feel like I’m going to need medical attention too. “Don’t worry Bre, it’s fine. NO DON’T LOOK!!”

Well, thirty dollars and five stitches later, Bre and I are hobbling out of the doctor’s office. She’s lost like at least a pint of blood, and I feel like I have too. I have never seen so much blood come out of a person.

The good news is that during the stitches I got her to laugh several times by telling her I was going to faint. I’m not sure she knew I was serious. I felt woozy the whole rest of the night. It was incredible.

I never knew I was that intolerant to seeing blood. Well, now I know. At least I got through it without fainting. I’d hate to steal Bre’s thunder!

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