Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30 Days to Being a Purposeful Mommy, Day 14

Day 14: Stop Comparing

I know you do it. You look on facebook, or you people-watch at the mall, or you fantasize at play dates. You imagine that mom you´re looking at and think, ¨Why does she have it all together and I don´t????¨

Guess what. She doesn´t.

When we become moms, we get a lifetime membership to the mommy club. And mommies in the mommy club support each other, help each other, give each other advice and are honest with each other. So I think most moms you ask will tell you the truth. We´re all just doing the best we can, and then faking the rest.

Did you ever meet one of those moms who just insisted that she really did have her life together and perfect, and her children never had a bad day? She is not a member of the club. And she´s a big old liar.

So stop comparing. Your life is your life, and it´s great and terrible and fun and stressful and messy and frustrating and many other things. Your children are your children, and except for the occassional fantasy you would never actually trade them for any other kids. Your husband is your husband, and you married him for a reason. Other people´s lives look wonderful from the outside because you´re on the outside! Live with them for a day as a fly on the walll and you will find that their lives are just as imperfect as yours.

And every once in a while someone will come up to you and say, ¨What well-behaved children you have! How do you do it?¨ In that moment, remember that you belong to the mommy club and be honest. ¨You should see us on a bad day!¨ :)

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