Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Days to Being a Purposeful Mommy, Day 19

Day 19: Take a Nap

Seriously. Aim for once a week. Take one with your kids. They will sleep longer if they sleep with you, and you will sleep for maybe the first time since you were not a mother.

See, the problem is that along with insanity and guilt, another condition that women contract when they give birth is lack of sleep. Chronic lack of sleep that NEVER heals, until those kids are adults. When they´re babies, you have to feed them and entertain them at all hours of the night. When they´re little kids, you have to scare monsters out of closets and soothe nightmares. When they´re teens you have to wait up to make sure they are home by curfew (my plan is not to let them out of the house at all!! hahaha.). And there are so many other sleep-stealing things that come hand-in-hand with motherhood.

So what can you do? Reclaim a small portion of those super zzzzzzzzzzz´s. It won´t be like when you were single. But it will remind you that a little sleep actually will make you feel human. And that´s a good thing.

I don´t usually plan on napping. Somewhere between nursing Bella to sleep and getting up to do chores I just go unconscious. It rocks. And it happens about once a week or so. I think that´s my body´s max on no sleep. Try not to reach your max. Make a date with your dreams and don´t let them down! You really do need it. And with all that purposeful mothering you´re doing, you deserve it, too. :)

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