Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Week Three: Not Quite Ready

So, it’s week three. It’s week three, and my honeymoon is coming to a close, after a late start. Jairo will be working, I will be at home working on ministry stuff, and when we’re not doing that, we’ll both be spending a lot of time in the church. But I’ll tell you a secret. I’m not ready!

I know, I know. Three weeks! It’s a long time! I should be rested, rejuvenated, a little bored, and ready to get back to work! After all, it’s ministry, it’s what I came here to do, it’s my calling. But I’m not ready.

The truth is, I love people, but I’m not very outgoing. I like my space. I like having my time to blog, to read my Bible, to watch Alias, and I like having access to my husband whenever I want. It’s selfish, I know. My, my, my, I, I, I.

My husband, on the other hand, is ready. He got the rest he needed, now he restless. He wants back in. It’s not that I don’t want to. I do want to. I just know that once it starts, it won’t slow down until I’m like 80 years old. There’s so much work to do. I have so many dreams, goals, and plans.

I think, honestly, I’m kind of nervous. I just really want everything to work out; I want to be able to make a difference. I’m hesitant to start mostly because I don’t want to mess up. But I guess it’s true what I tell Spanish students; you can’t let your fear of messing up keep you from trying. If you never try to say something in Spanish, you won’t learn to speak. Life’s like that, too. If you don’t try things, you won’t really ever live your life.

So I’ll make a deal with you. But only if you really mean it.

Let’s do that thing we’ve wanted to do, but have been afraid to try. Let’s do it together. I’m gonna tell you how it’s going for me (I mean, that’s kind of why I have a blog), and I’d like you to tell me too. Comment me here on my blog, facebook me, myspace me, email me, whatever. I want to know how it’s going. Tell me what your “thing” is, and what you’re doing to achieve it. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only on this planet who has dreams that seem impossible and scary. If you have those dreams too, tell me about them! I want to know. Seriously.

Let the comments, messages and emails begin!!

1 comment:

  1. Te quiero Ashlita. I miss you so much. It's been WAYYYY too long since we've chatted. It's been way too long since I've chatted with Tara too. I'm feeling so behind in everything.... and lazy to boot. Just know that I think about you alot and I hope things are going great!!!
