Friday, October 28, 2011

30 Days to Being a Purposeful Mommy, Day 26

Day 26: Form Family Traditions

Most of us probably remember certain family traditions that we enjoyed with our families growing up. In my husband´s case, he remembers that certain days of the week they got to eat special foods, and when his dad travelled out of town he always brought them special snacks. In my case, my favorite family traditions were our Christmastime traditions, like making Christmas cookies and decorating them, making a special Christmas ornament or reading the Christmas story from Luke before we opened presents.

Some traditions from your childhood you may want to carry over, and others you might want to invent. It doesn´t matter if it´s as simple as chocolate chip cookies on Friday night or as complicated as a yearly trip to the same place. Traditions are part of what makes childhood so fun, because children anticipate fun things for a long time leading up to the moment. And when we are older, traditions give us a sense of nostalgia and happiness in our memories, even if other parts of our lives were chaotic.

As the mommy, the job of making family traditions will almost always fall to you. Embrace it and have some fun! Be creative, taking into account your family´s unique style and personality. Your kids will look back on those traditions and smile, and the shared memories will only enhance the bonds of family in your home.

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