Monday, April 1, 2013

Get-through-your-Monday Girl Time - SuperMom Tiffany Nardoni

Happy Monday once again! I´m glad to have you back! This week´s interview is a last-minute addition that I am so excited to share with you! Not only does this SuperMom inspire me, she is also one of my most treasured friends! She has experiences more pain and loss than most moms, I think, but in walking through all of those experiences with her Savior at her side, it´s evident that she has also learned how to treasure those small moments of pure happiness better than most as well. I hope her example is an inspiration to you, just like it is to me. You can read more from Tiffany at her blog here.



Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you?
I’m Tiffany Nardoni, Christ-following, wife and mom

Tell us about your family.
Jeff and I have been married for 9 years. We love our family! We love being together. We homeschool, we’re very involved with our church and community. We have lots of amazing friends and family close by. We are very blessed.

How many children do you have, and what are their ages?
Ava is 4 ½, Liam is 1 ½. Our oldest son, Thao, went to be with Jesus when he was 5 ½ (January 13, 2012). We have 3 more precious babies in heaven that we lost during pregnancy.
We are in the process of adding to our family through adoption in Africa.

This is an interview about motherhood, but your motherhood is shaped a lot by your marriage. How would you describe your relationship with your husband?
We make a great team! We definitely balance each others strengths and weaknesses. We are best friends. Spending time together is a priority, but we’ve learned quality is more important than quantity.

What is the hardest thing about being married?
I love being married. We’ve been through a lot with our children, losing Thao and the miscarriages, but through the grace of God we can survive these trials and live moment by moment.

What is the best thing about being married?
Walking through life with my best friend

Describe a memory between you and your husband that really stands out in your mind.
There are so many…of course all the “big” events like the births of our children, birthdays, etc. But I think one of the memories that stands out to me the most is at our son’s funeral, having the privilege of being onstage with Jeff while he led worship. It was an amazing experience for me, to praise my God with my husband, through the biggest storm we’ve had in our journey.

How did your relationship with your husband change when you became parents?
It didn’t change too much when we had Thao because whatever we did, he just did with us. But adding our second child changed things a little more, we were busier with 2 kids so close in age. We quickly learned that family time was very important to us (and them!) and our “alone” time was more about quality time rather than quantity time. Wouldn’t change it for the world!

How does your parenting style compare with your husband´s?
We are pretty similar with our parenting styles. It has changed over the years as we grow in Christ, as we grow with our children, as we learn and as we understand each child’s unique needs and personality.

In what ways have you changed since you became a mother?
I’ve learned to let more go, the towels don’t have to be so neatly place in the cabinet, the floors aren’t quite as clean and sometimes we just have to stop and snuggle. Life is too short to pass up the snuggles. The laundry will always be there but our children will not.

Describe a memory of pregnancy that stands out to you.
I loved being pregnant! I was always sad when it was over, but of course, excited to hold that sweet baby.

Describe a memory of your first weeks of motherhood that stands out to you.
I did not want to share. I didn’t want a lot of visitors, I wanted quiet time with my family. It was so precious to me, a dream come true. I was thankful that I was breast feeding so I didn’t have to share very much.

If you have multiple children, in what ways are they similar to each other and in what ways are they different?
Thao was an observer, he processed and analyzed. He was thoughtful and strong willed. He was very responsible. He loved to have conversations. He was gentle and kind. He was very routine-oriented and adventurous.
Ava is more of a free spirit. She is laid back and just goes with the flow. She is joyful, always smiling. She is girly, yet has a little bit of an adventurous side (maybe because she has brothers?!) She is outgoing. She loves being with friends and helping with babies.
Liam is all boy. He’s the classic kid. He’s the kid toys were made for. He is adventurous, snuggly and funny. He absolutely loves to tease his sister. He is mischievous but not strong willed like Thao was. He’s shy and sweet.

In what ways are your children similar to you? In what ways are they different from you?
They have all been such a combination of both Jeff and I! I wouldn’t even know where to start…

For each of your children, share one of your favorite memories.
Thao- we spent a lot of time baking together
Ava- playing pretend…all day, every day
Liam- those rare moments when he just wants to sit on my lap and snuggle

Describe a moment as a mother where you felt overwhelmed.
Ha! I have these probably once a day. Then I remember the purpose in my life, and I pray that God helps me through that moment.

What are your favorite ways to relax when you need a little break?
Cleaning in a quiet house, hanging out with Jeff after the kids are in bed, watching my favorite show

What has been the hardest lesson you have had to learn as a mother?
How to forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made

What has been the hardest experience you have gone through as a mother? What did that experience teach you?
Losing Thao. I’ve had to learn to depend on Christ not for tomorrow, but for this moment. It’s overwhelming to think of tomorrow or the next day, I don’t have to try to understand how I’m going to do it, I just have to choose Christ and He gets me through.

What do you think is the most important quality in a mother?
A passion to follow Christ

What do you think children need most from their mothers?
An example of a transparent, real relationship with Christ and others.

What advice would you give to other mothers out there who are reading this interview?
Every family is unique, every child is special. God gives us the wisdom and grace to raise our children, run our family and live our lives the way he wants us to. We have to trust Him to guide us. He loves our children even more than we do. Your family probably won’t look like mine, but that’s okay. God made us all unique as mothers, too.

Do you have any tips or tricks that have helped you stay organized, run your household or raise your kids more effectively?

Um, yes. Sorta. I’m still learning but you can check out my blog.

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