Monday, February 27, 2012

Things you Forget to Remember

I stole the title of this post from my friend Tiffany´s blog. She is an amazing mom, and will inspire you, so check it out!

Anyway, there are so many things that our kids do that are hilarious, adorable, infuriating, etc. but we start to forget them as time goes on. I was thinking today about the things B does, or did, that I don´t want to forget. As I think of them, I will blog them. Hopefully soon I can get started journaling to B, too, so she will have a record of how obsessed I am with her once she hits adolescence and starts thinking I´m out to get her!

Here goes:

Baby snores (louder than you might expect if you haven´t had a baby)

B´s little boogie dance she used to do when she was maybe 6 or 7 months old

The way she has learned that she can get herself out of trouble pretty quickly by giving mommy a big, sloppy kiss

¨Ah buh boo¨ (I love you), and the first time she said it all on her own, instead of just responding to me

B waking up in the middle of the night, shooting me a huge grin, and falling back asleep

Talking in her sleep, with mostly made up words...ADORABLE.

Asking me to put clips in her hair so she can go flirt with herself in the mirror for 10 minutes straight

¨Cah-Cown¨ (popcorn) B´s favorite food of all time (for now!)

Coming up to me randomly and asking to ¨Bay¨ (pray), which goes something like this:

¨Ka (God), Tah-tyoo (thank you), Ah buh boo (I love you), Men (Amen).¨

The way she can have just woken up from a nap two seconds ago, but if you say ¨vamos¨ (let´s go in Spanish), she´ll wake right up and say ¨VAMOOOOOO¨

Her obession with shoes. I spend all day taking off one pair of shoes and putting on another. And another.

The way she has always followed her own pace, ever since she was in the womb. If you just wait, she´ll tell you when she´s ready for the next big step.

B trying to feed a stray dog her lunch today at an outdoor restaurant. Too cute.

Her adoration of all animals, but especially ¨doks¨ (dogs), ¨mau¨ (cats), ¨sh¨ (fish) and ¨BEE!!¨ (birds)

The way she lovingly mothers her baby dolls. That makes me feel like I´m doing something right!

The face she makes when you ask her to show off, and you can tell she wants to, but she´s feeling shy/embarassed

The smile she has when she gets her way (or just thinks she does, like when we gave her a glass of juice and she seemed to think she somehow conned her way into some kind of glorious treat)

The way it feels to snuggle with her every naptime and bed time, and to feel like I wish I didn´t have anything else in the world to do but stay there and hold her (and sometimes, I just ignore everything else I have to do and hold her anyway!)

The way she always wakes up right when I´m in the middle of something, like right now!! Goodnight!

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