Monday, February 25, 2013

Get-through-your-Monday Girl Time - SuperMom Allison Bohn

Hello, Monday! And hello, blog readers! Welcome back to our favorite little moment of the week, ¨Get-through-your-Monday Girl Time¨! Today we bring you another fun mommy interview, from a mommy who was recommended to me! I don´t know her personally, but we are friends on Facebook, so that is a good start. Just kidding. Actually we have several mutual friends, and this young lady comes highly recommended! I thoroughly enjoyed reading her interview and getting to know her, and I think her honest answers will be uplifting to you on this Monday! But don´t take my word for it--dive right in! Enjoy!


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you?
My name is Allison Bohn. I have been married for almost 5 years to my amazing husband. I am very fortunate to be able to be a stay at home mom.

Tell us about your family.
I have two wonderful kids, and for the time being we are living in Maine. We are waiting for God to tell us where he wants us next.

How many children do you have, and what are their ages?
I have two children Hadassah 2 years, Aedan 2 months.

This is an interview about motherhood, but your motherhood is shaped a lot by your marriage. How would you describe your relationship with your husband?
I love my relationship with my husband. He is my best friend who I talk to about everything. We complete each other.

What is the hardest thing about being married?
Learning to give up control.

What is the best thing about being married?
Getting to spend the rest of my life with my husband

Describe a memory between you and your husband that really stands out in your mind.
The way he looked at my the night he proposed. I could just tell how much he loved me.

How did your relationship with your husband change when you became parents?
It is getting stronger as we learn together how to raise our children. It makes me love him even more to see how much he loves his children.

How does your parenting style compare with your husband's?
I think we have similar styles. We pretty much agree on how we do most things. He just rough houses more because he is stronger lol.

In what ways have you changed since you became a mother? I think I have become even more paranoid unfortunately because I am always scared something is going to happen to my kids, but other than that I think I have become more understanding as I try to see things from my children's perspective.

Describe a memory of pregnancy that stands out to you.
I loved both the times I felt both my kids move. It will never stop being amazing.

Describe a memory of your first weeks of motherhood that stands out to you.
Just having my little ones fall asleep on me. I love it when that happens.

In what ways has your parenting style changed with each child?
It is hard to say if my style differs because my son is so young so we are still in the adjusting phase.

In what ways are your children similar to each other and in what ways are they different?
Again hard to say for the most part since my son is so little, but he is more needy than she was. He wants to be held all the time.

In what ways are your children similar to you? In what ways are they different from you?
Haddie is more curious than I think I was. But she is a litte fireball like I was.

For each of your children, share one of your favorite memories.
I don't think I can pick just one. But I love when she starts to understand things and she gets so proud of herself. With Aedan I was so glad to be able to see him right after he was born since I was awake for his c- section.

Describe a moment as a mother where you felt overwhelmed.
When both my children are crying at the same time.

What are your favorite ways to relax when you need a little break?
Probably watch tv or sleep, and read if I have a good book.

What has been the hardest lesson you have had to learn as a mother?
I will have to let them go someday.

What has been the hardest experience you have gone through as a mother? What did that experience teach you?
One thing is just the process of how they came into the world. I did not want a c-section and I have had to have two. I am now able to deal with the fact that God has his own plan in mind and I just need to go with it.

Looking back on your life as a mother, what, if anything, do you regret?
Getting too upset at times.

What do you think is the most important quality in a mother?

What do you think children need most from their mothers?
Unconditional love.

What advice would you give to other mothers out there who are reading this interview?
Just breathe.

Do you have any tips or tricks that have helped you stay organized, run your household or raise your kids more effectively?
Just stay on top of things as best you can. Everything can get out of hand real quick. I know from way too much experience that the house gets super messy before you know it.

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