Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Week 16: Music to Start a Revolution By

Jairo and I just bought the new cd by a group called Rojo. It’s a Christian band from Mexico which happens to be Jairo’s favorite band of all time. We’ve been listening to the cd for last few days and I have to say, it’s pretty cool. I think it’s their best cd yet.

The whole theme of the cd is that they want to see God start a revolution; in their lives, in their country, in this generation and in the whole world. The songs are all really cool, and got us really excited because that theme is right up our alley!

I think music is a hugely powerful tool, and not just in church services. I believe and have seen that listening to God-honoring, Christian music is a huge help to me in my life. It encourages me, it helps me think about God all day long, and it helps me maintain a good attitude. Non-Christian music, however, does exactly the opposite. Sure, I might feel happy while I listen to a song, but the long-term effects are not positive.

There are only two kingdoms in this world, God’s and Satan’s. Everything we do in life has spiritual value, whether we like it or not. When I listen to Christian music, I’m honoring God. When I listen to non-Christian music, I’m honoring Satan. It’s not that non-Christian music is evil. It’s that it’s not for God, and if it’s not for God, there’s no point to it, other than to be for Satan. There’s no one else it can be for.

The same principle is true about life. If I’m not living my life for God, then I’m living it for me, and if I’m living it for me, I’m living it in rebellion to God—in other words, although I would never realize it, I am living my life for Satan. The Bible is clear about this. There’s no middle ground. We can’t live our lives for ourselves. Paul, in Scripture, reminds us that we were bought with a price, the highest price, and we can either be slaves to God, who gives us freedom, or slaves to Satan, who only keeps us in bondage.

I’m very thankful that there is good, cool Christian music out there, so that it doesn’t have to be that difficult to just honor God. Sure, in other areas it’s hard, but at least in music, I can just enjoy it without worrying about what it’s doing to me. If it’s for God, I know it’ll only do me good.

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