Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So much has happened..

So much has happened that I don´t even know how to write this post. God is taking us through a desert, through the fire, up the mountain and through the valley. My heart is breaking in places I didn´t know it had, and I can´t sleep.

I´m listening to the sweet voice of one of my dearest friends, thanks to the wonders of the internet. I´m in Ecuador, he and his sweet family are in Illinois, and I am listening to the way he praises God through the pain he is feeling that I cannot begin to imagine.

I will write about some of the trials we have been facing lately in other posts, but it all pales in comparison to the story I am going to share with you right now. If you want to know what faith is, if you want to know what it means to cling to Christ, if you want to know how to be strong in the midst of the storm and seek solice in the Holy Spirit, please don´t look to me. Look at my beautiful friends, and learn from them like I am learning from them.

If in the years I have been writing this blog I have gained any followers or any amount of influence, I hope that it all has been to direct you all to this family and the ways you can help them, and they ways they can help you.

Jeff and Tiffany, whom I have known since I was little, are a family who have known loss as a way of life, and yet there is nothing they have denied their Savior that He has asked of them. Their beautiful son, Thao, 5, went home to be with Jesus a few days ago, and even now I am listening to the praises they offer to Him, the One who asked everything of them.

I know God doesn´t have favorites, but I can´t imagine any children of His that could be more beloved than these dear friends of mine. Please take some time to read about them, to pray for them, and to donate to the fund established in their honor. Even if all you can spare is $5, please accept my most fervent and honest testimony that there is no family more worthy of your investment, and I´m certain that the heavenly dividends will be endless.

You can read about what happened, on facebook, here:!/groups/241400089259888/

You can read about Thao here:

You can read mom Tiffany´s blog here:

You can listen to the church service days after Thao went to be with Jesus here:

Click on ¨Praising God after Thao´s Passing¨ At the end (around 40 minutes and following) you can hear what I am listening to right now, dad Jeff´s worship set, featuring some of Thao´s favorite songs.

You can donate to this wonderful family here:

Every little bit helps.

You can pray for this family now, and whenever you remember them. They didn´t withhold even their precious son from God, let´s not withhold our prayers and support from them. Thank you.

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